Choose Love

Choose Love

I have found the writings of Deepak Chopra to be quite profound. He wrote how people’s actions and reactions come from a place of either fear or love. That understanding of human behavior has answered so many questions for me and helped me to understand and not...
Beth Wright – An Amazing Healer

Beth Wright – An Amazing Healer

I found I & Eye through an internet search on chakra and physical healings, and I am so glad I did! Elizabeth Wright very eloquently shared her soul’s journey including the difficult and the Divine. I found her stories to be inspirational and...
Embrace Your Inner Crone

Embrace Your Inner Crone

The months leading up to my 50th birthday were somewhat traumatic; in fact I faced the day white knuckled, kicking and screaming and with an impending sense of dread.   Turning 55, by contrast, was effortless and inviting.  What had happened in those years to calm my...
Aha Moments

Aha Moments

What is it that makes one moment in time so different from any other moment? What is it that sends you a “hit” or “ping” of knowingness about somebody else? Do you run from those moments, shut down and turn inward trying not to notice? Or do you open your attention,...
Writing a Blog

Writing a Blog

One morning while meditating I heard that I was going to be writing a “blog.”  What’s a blog? Isn’t that something that young people do on the internet?  I have never even seen a blog. From the dark corners of my mind I heard Bill Cosby’s...