What is it that makes one moment in time so different from any other moment? What is it that sends you a 2 Aha moments.jpg“hit” or “ping” of knowingness about somebody else?

Do you run from those moments, shut down and turn inward trying not to notice? Or do you open your attention, smile and realize that this is a message meant specifically for you?

Sometimes life gives us what I call “aha moments.” Those moments when you have received an energetic message and you figure out what it means. Sometimes it’s confusing knowing what the message is and what you’re supposed to get from it. Sometimes I need to just sit and wallow in it. Ask myself why am I feeling this, are these even my emotions?

When I stop and take the time to figure out where that immediate sense of dread or sadness came from, I can usually figure out where I picked up that signal of energy from.

Are you learning to trust those aha moments? Are you learning not to run but to stop and embrace the moment that has been given to you?

If you have received an aha moment and need someone to help you figure out what its importance is, there are others like you that are open to reading and understanding energy. I encourage you to create a community of like-minded souls that are open to discussing and helping you to interpret what those hits of energy mean for you.

The more you pay attention and listen to those aha moments, the more of them you will have and the sooner you will see that you are being guided on a journey, not any journey but your own personal journey. If you are interested in following your soul path, stop and listen to the aha moments.