Symbolism, Transformation
I was driving down the street and I saw a home that was under construction. To be more precise, the front door and front alcove were the only things still in existence. Behind the first 6 feet of the house was a hole in the ground where the previous home had stood....
Life Lessons, Transformation
I have found the writings of Deepak Chopra to be quite profound. He wrote how people’s actions and reactions come from a place of either fear or love. That understanding of human behavior has answered so many questions for me and helped me to understand and not...
Animal Communication, Spirit Guides
Last week we lost my daughter’s hamster Maui, dying of old age at two years. Now, somehow there was a hamster size void in my heart. SERIOUSLY?!? I couldn’t believe it either! Heading to the pet store, we found four hamster brothers all together in one cage. My...