E-Book Club

One love: Divine Healing at Open Clinic chronicles my road to understanding my intuition, and more importantly, describes the experiences that I had during meditation where I met and worked with Divine Mother, Archangels Michael, Gabrielle, and Raphael. In a place of healing in the etherial realm, I witnessed and participated in the healing of souls that were still in bodies and those who had already passed on and were no longer in bodies. It was very clear that there is life after life, and that our souls continue to exist after leaving our bodies.

This site is dedicated to an E-Book Club of One Love: Divine Healing at Open Clinic. The study guide for each chapter includes the audio recording of the chapter, questions to ponder about your own life experiences, and a reflective homework question.  If you would be interested in sharing your journaling with me, feel free to email me at openclinic1@gmail.com.

I want to share my book with you in this way because each chapter has a great deal of information about different energetic or spiritual concepts. The E-Book Club provides a convenient format for delving into various aspects of energy work, and to discover how intuitive or spiritual happenings have already impacted your life. Welcome to this journey of self-discovery. Please participate and share as little or as much as you are comfortable.

E-Book Club 15 week series. New ones added weekly.

Find all of the recordings for the e-book club weekly sessions here in the link below. New ones added weekly. Podcast: “Walking with Spirit” on International Angels Network

Thursdays at 9:00 ET beginning 1/11/18

Click here to listen to all episodes: International Angel’s Network. Walking with spirit with Dr. Ruth Anderson

 Buy the book here!

One Love: Divine Healing at Open Clinic
by Ruth Anderson

Amazon Link: http://a.co/5Iw5ro0

Audible Link: http://tinyurl.com/yc2p9p7f