Jamie and the Healing Angels
Three weeks ago, my friend Jamie woke up and could not hear anything out of her ear. She had an instantaneous, unexplained, total permanent hearing loss in her left ear. As if that wasn’t bad enough, her situation has been complicated by severe vertigo and nausea. This lifelong workaholic needed to take time off for many doctors appointments and due to being unable to continue working through nausea. Her life as she knew it had been seriously disrupted. Several doctor visits later, no one had answers as to why this had happened or how to solve it.
I did Reiki on her at the onset of her condition, I felt a huge immovable block of energy that felt like concrete on the left side of her head. The energy was palpable, and I didn’t know how to move it out. I saw that she had a release of grief and fear, so I knew that there was a movement of energy, but I could tell that that blockage persisted. I felt like I had failed my friend by not being able to help ease her situation.
A few weeks later, I met with Jamie and we discussed how she was doing. Her condition was basically unchanged and now she felt like she had a 10-pound weight hanging in her left ear. While she was accepting of the permanent, total hearing loss in her left ear, vertigo and nausea were limiting her ability to drive and work. She had always been extremely independent, so showing vulnerability and weakness and having to rely on the kindness of her friends and boss were painful for her. In hindsight, I was able to see that the initial Reiki treatment was beneficial to her as she was no longer grieving the loss of hearing or as fearful of loss of hearing in her functioning ear.
I offered to provide Reiki for her two mornings in a row in hopes of helping with her vertigo and nausea. While we chatted, I quickly looked at her energy. I saw a blockage of energy on her left side from her shoulder to her head that looked like black stuck energy. I was not sure if it was foreign energy from another being or stuck physical energy. I didn’t know what I was seeing and not sure how I could impact it.
The next morning as we met at our pre-determined time, me in my home and she in hers, I could intuitively see her laying down, face up, and I could see white vibrant spiritual beings stooping over her to work on her. I was touched, and tearful in gratitude for these divine beings coming together to work on my friend. There were four beings in total, one at her right shoulder, one at her left shoulder, one at her right knee, and one at her left knee. They were all facing her and working intently, although I saw no movement on their part. Not surprising. to me, the healing appeared to be taking place telepathically. I knew that these beings were working in conjunction with my guides and were there as a result of the conversation that I had with my guides the night before when I spoke my need to see physical healing take place. I watched the white beings and knew that their healing capabilities were far superior to anything I could provide. Unsure of my role and responsibility, I asked my guides, “Do I need to do something?“ I heard the words, “Be grateful.” I answered, “I am absolutely grateful! I can sit and watch and be grateful.“
I saw that Divine Mother joined them. I saw her at Jamie’s head and then she walked around the bed to her feet. She was watching over the proceedings as a mother would “oversee” medical personnel caring for her child. I saw Archangel Michael hovering above taking great care that things were done correctly. I saw Archangel Rafael in the right-hand corner of the room by Jamie’s feet. I saw Archangel Gabrielle hovering above sprinkling what looked like multicolored flower petals over the patient and healers.
I knew that this was the physical healing I had been asking for. As I watched, I intuitively read Jamie’s energy. My attention was being drawn to the energy at her left ear. The dark energy I had seen, from her left shoulder to her head, had all been pushed up and was jammed, piled inside her head by her left ear. I saw the build-up intensify, and then push through the barrier in her ear to release all the pent-up energy. There was such intensity moving the mass of energy through her ear that I wondered if Jamie was in pain as that happened. Then I wondered if she had been aware of any sensation on a physical level at all. Then I wondered if I was making all of this up in my own head. I heard the words, “Don’t ask if it was done because you just saw it happening.”
I thought of our scheduled time that we had set aside for the next day for a second Reiki session. I wondered if we should bother keeping that time. I heard the words, “Don’t ask for it to be done again. The healers won’t come again. Believe what you saw. Be grateful. Don’t meet with her tomorrow. It is done.”
Apparently, I was not completely convinced of what I had witnessed. I asked, “Will she be able to tell a difference? What if it happened in the energetic realm first, will she feel it in the physical realm now, later, or maybe not at all?” I heard, “Stop asking questions and believe.” I believe it. I saw it. I know this to be true. I looked at Jamie again intuitively and saw white energy flowing through her head down and out through her feet with no limitations. I saw her as complete; I saw her as whole; I saw her as perfect. There was no need to work on her the next day, as the healing had been done.
The healing beings were still at their places around her bed. The three archangels and Divine Mother stood around the healing beings. I said, “I am grateful, so grateful because this allows us to step into a new reality, the new future. This allows us to stand out there and say, “Yes! Physical healing can really happen at Open Clinic! This team can heal!”
I prayed out loud: “Please release my doubts, release Jamie’s doubts, release anyone else who doubts this to be true. Cleanse me in the light, love, knowingness, and havingness of being able to step into this new reality with integrity and sense of purpose. This new chapter has been written.”
I sat and basked in the glory of what I had witnessed. And then I thought, “Who are these healers?” Through my intuitive sense, I put my focus and attention on them. I felt that three of them had male energy and one had female energy. I wondered if they were like some of the archangels that I could feel both a male and female energy to them so that sometimes they seemed male and other times they seemed female. So I asked, “I sense that three of you are male and one of you is female. Does that ever change?” No
“Have I worked with you before?”
“Are you angels?” Yes
Hoping that these angels we’re becoming part of my guides with divine healing at Open Clinic, I asked, “Will you work with me again”? Yes
I said, “Great! Welcome!”
The female angel turned to me and I felt her connect with me. I was drawn to her energetically and felt such immense love and healing energy come from her and enter my chest and heart space. Her blessed gift covered every cell in my body with loving radiant light and love. Who wouldn’t want that every day? After reveling in her pure gift of angelic Love and healing, I asked her what her name was. I heard something that sounded like “Arc” or “Arcity? Arksie? I asked is your name Arc?” No
Does your name sound like “Arcie?” Yes
I do not know if it is spelled like Arsie, Arcie, or Arcee. And my guess is that spelling is a human need and not an angelic concern at all. So I will go with the spelling “Arcee.”
The male healers were not paying any attention to me but continued to look at Jamie. I thought, “I look forward to getting to work with you and know each one of you.”
The angels stayed around Jamie’s bed along with the archangels. I heard the words,”But sometimes it is not the person’s path to be healed.” I answered, “I understand that. How will I know if it is their path to be healed?” I heard, “Don’t promise anything. If it happens that they are healed, then it happens.”
The four healing angels each put a hand out over Jamie’s body over her abdomen. They clasped hands in the center creating the shape of an x over her body and with that they were gone. It felt like this final act was their way of signifying that their work as a team was complete. I thanked them and said my goodbyes.
The archangels and the Divine mother turned to me and said “There.” That was all they said, just, “There.”
Thank you! I know it is true. I believe it it is done. Amen
When everything was finished, I called Jamie. I wanted to know if she had experienced anything on a physical level that I had witnessed. She said the only thing she was aware of was at one point she felt a huge surge of energy leave through her left ear. I asked if it hurt and she said no, that it just felt like a huge surge of energy being pushed through her left ear. I will accept that as validation as that is exactly what I had seen as well. Both Jamie and I will await further evidence of physical healing from this time spent with the healing angels and archangels.
A few times since then I’ve asked my guides what about the hearing in her left ear? Each time I’ve been told no, that is not her path for her hearing to be restored right now. I have to be patient and understanding.